Further Up | Further Out

exploring the intersection of theology & mission in the church, culture, & life

Come Further Up! Come Further Out!

Hi, my name is Jacob. I’m a pastor, amateur theologian, blogger, podcaster, and more. I’m passionate about the intersection of theology and mission. My hope is that this website will be an encouragement to all who seek to live further up and further out.


As a pastor, I teach most Sundays for my church family. Teachings are uploaded weekly to our campus podcast feed.


I enjoy thinking and writing about a variety of topics related to theology, church, mission, culture and life. You can check out my blog here.


Everyday Theology is a podcast that I do with a couple friends where we seek to equip the church to discuss theology in every day sorts of conversations. You can check out our episodes on youtube or wherever you get your podcasts.


I am the lead campus pastor of the Farmington Hills Campus for Woodside Bible Church. You can find more info about our church at the links above.

  • Embracing the Tension

    It often occurs to me that the journey of living further up and further out seems, for many, to be impossible or at least deeply challenging. To truly think and live from a place of deep theology and deep missiology appears to pull us in directions that create, what feels like, an irreconcilable tension. Because…

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  • Come Further Up! Come Further Out!

    “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this. Bree-hee-hee! Come further up, come…

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